Abraham Maslow. From Wikipedia.
Annotated Links
Abraham Maslow: Father of Modern Management Presents an overview of Maslow’s theories including the hierarchy of needs, self-actualization, theory Z, peak experiences; a summary of his books; quotes; and other resources.
Abraham Maslow and the pyramid that beguiled business. The BBC News Magazine takes a look at the question The psychologist Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation is 70 years old but continues to have a strong influence on the world of business. What is it, and is it right? August 31, 2013.
Bibliography books in print, audio visual materials, electronic versions of selected works, many of these resources are downloadable, some for a fee.
e-Textbook From the electronic textbook created for undergraduate and graduate courses in Personality Theories by George Boeree of Shippensburg University.
Explanation and Applications of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, including the newer 7- and 8- stage models, and how it applies to helping behavior, advertising, and other areas. Also includes links to PDF and MSWORD illustrations of the hierarchies.
Extraordinary People: The Boy Who Sees Without Eyes This is a documentary about a boy (Ben Underwood) who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats. From a BBC special in 5 parts. If you click on more info you’ll get the URLs for all 5 parts. This is an amazing and uplifting story (each part runs about 10-12 minutes and can stand alone).
I Want You To Know That’ Im Tyrion Lannister The Forer (Barnum) Effect has found a new home: The Internet Quiz. Writer Maria Konnikova suggests that the reason why we are so drawn to these obviously false personality quizzes may have to do with our fascination with the self and our fundamental need to belong. From The New Yorker, May 1, 2014.
Lecture Notes by Chris VerWys, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
More or Less Actualized? Psychologist Ann Reitan reflects on Abraham Maslow’s notion of self-actualization. First, she explains what it is, then she muses on what it means for different people at different times in their lives, drawing on the work of Eric Erikson. Finally, she suggests that self-actualizing people may find meaning at lower levels of the hierarchy, such as when their needs are being threatened. She gives examples of people who she believed were actualizing while facing death (e.g., Viktor Frankl), fearing for their safety (e.g., Nelson Mandela), losing their freedom (e.g., Ghandi), and experiencing mental illness (e.g., Sylvia Plath). From Brain Blogger, January 8, 2013.
Rebuilding Maslow’s Pyramid on an Evolutionary Foundation In focusing on motives and self-actualization, Abraham Maslow may have missed out on key ideas from neuroscience, developmental biology, and evolutionary psychology according to Douglas Kenrick in a paper published in Psychological Science. He summarizes his view in this blog entry for Psychology Today, May 19, 2010 (See original paper here. Opens in PDF format).
Science Odyssey A very brief overview of Abraham Maslow’s life and major ideas from the PBS show Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries.
Self-actualization Extensive listing of the characteristics of self actualizing people. Opens in PDF format.
Self-actualization According to the Personality and Consciousness website In Toward a Psychology of Being (1968), Maslow redefined self-actualization as episodic. Read his redefinition of self-actualization in Maslow’s own words here.
Self-Actualization: Parenthood? Douglas Kenrick and his co-authors redefine Maslow’s concept of self-actualization as an indirect means to attracting a mate and, ultimately, parenting children. Read about the controversy surrounding this redefinition in this New York Times article by Lisa Belkin, September 10, 2010. (See original paper here. Opens in PDF format).
Assignments, Exercises, and Activities
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, including newer 7- and 8- stage models. Also includes links to PDF and MSWORD illustrations of the hierarchies.
- Hierarchy of Needs Original 5 stage model in PDF format.
- Hierarchy of Needs Modified 7-stage model from the 1970s in PDF format.
- Hierarchy of Needs Modified 8-stage model from the 1990s in PDF format.
- Self-test Quick self-test based on the 5-stage model of the hierarchy of needs in PDF format.
- Self-test Quick self-test based on the modified 8-stage model of the hierarchy of needs in PDF format.
Maslow, Abraham: That’s My Theory! Sigmund Freud and two other personality psychologists — Skinner and Maslow — are guests on this online game show developed by PBS. Learn about all three theorists through the answers they give.
Electronic Texts
Bibliography books in print, audio visual materials, electronic versions of selected works, many of these resources are downloadable, some for a fee.
Kenrick, Griskevicius, Neuberg & Schaller (2010) Kenrick, D.T., Griskevicius, V., Neuberg, S.L., & Schaller, M. (2010). Renovating the pyramid of needs: Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 292-314. Opens in PDF format.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation.
Maslow, A. H. (1941). Deprivation, Threat and Frustration.
Examples and Illustrations
Hierarchy of Needs Here’s a listing of people and situations — both fictional and real — who are good examples of how Maslow’s hierarchy of needs motivates behavior. Add your own examples here!
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Monster Needs According to the Canadian English language TV comedy channel BiteTV, zombies, vampires, ghosts, and werewolves all have their belongingness and self-esteem needs and can achieve self-actualization.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, including newer 7- and 8- stage models. Also includes links to PDF and MSWORD illustrations of the hierarchies.
- Hierarchy of Needs Original 5 stage model in PDF format.
- Hierarchy of Needs Modified 7-stage model from the 1970s in PDF format.
- Hierarchy of Needs Modified 8-stage model from the 1990s in PDF format.
- Self-test Quick self-test based on the 5-stage model of the hierarchy of needs in PDF format.
- Self-test Quick self-test based on the modified 8-stage model of the hierarchy of needs in PDF format.
The Relentless Urge to Create: the Work of Earl Joseph Martell. Joseph Martell, a paint mixer at Home Depot, is able to see the beauty in a simple can of unmixed paint. While others are too busy to notice, he quickly snaps a photo before the can hits the mixing machine. The results are stunning and illustrate the urge to create — even under less than ideal circumstances. Illustrates Maslow’s quote: A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
Lecture Notes
Abraham Maslow Victor Daniels, Sonoma State University, provides these lecture notes which provide an excellent overview of Maslow’s theories and beliefs, including a list of the characteristics of self-actualizers.
Abraham Maslow’s Basic and Growth Needs by Michael T. Hynan, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Slide Presentations
Slide Presentation Lecture and lecture notes by Sandra K. Webster, Westminster College.
Tests, Measures, and Scales
Multimedia Resources
Bibliography books in print, audio visual materials, electronic versions of selected works, many of these resources are downloadable, some for a fee.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in gif format.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. MaslowsHierarchyOfNeeds by FireflySixtySeven – Own work using Inkscape, based on Maslow’s paper, A Theory of Human Motivation. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons